Friday, February 24, 2006

And Another Superior!

Eric was entered into two pieces and played in front of two different judges. Both were very impressed by his performance, especially since he is in 6th grade.

He played beautifully on the Marimba, performing a great rendition of Beethoven's Turkish March with piano accompianment.

Tonight also marked the first time Eric has worn a tie and dress shoes... Posted by Picasa


Eric entered two pieces into the "Solo & Ensemble" competition sponsored by the Florida Band Association Friday night.

His drum piece was graded "Superior!" which is the top grade.

Eric was one of only a few 6th graders to enter the competition. Posted by Picasa

Betsy thinks about having a Martini

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Dog Meets Spongebob

Friday, February 17, 2006

NSA Intercept picked this conversation up.

click on image for larger picture