Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Perils of the New Pesticides for Pets

Pyrethroid-based flea and tick treatments — from Hartz, Sergeant’s, Farnam, and Bayer — are approved for sale by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and they are readily available at grocery stores, specialty pet retailers, and hardware stores. But they are also linked to thousands of reported pet poisonings.

The concentrations of pyrethroids in over-the-counter spot on pet treatments range from a 40 percent to an 85 percent solution, eight to 17 times stronger than the strongest pyrethroid product currently approved for use on humans.

At least 1,600 pet deaths related to spot on treatments with pyrethroids were reported to the EPA over the last five years, about double the number of reported fatalities tied to similar treatments without pyrethroids, such as Frontline and Advantage. The over-the-counter pyrethroid spot ons are typically half the price of Frontline and Advantage.

Perils of the New Pesticides | Articles - Pets and Pesticides: Let’s Be Careful Out There: