Thursday, November 13, 2003

A Day in the Life of a Puppy

12:37 AM: Thought I heard something outside so I barked and barked and barked until Betsy was awake to check it out!

1:19 AM: A shadow moved across the window! It could be an attack! I howled and barked for 5 minutes straight until David told me to "shut up!" See if I warn him again! I hope whatever is out there eats him! =(

2:58 AM: Definitely heard something that time! Barked at top of my lungs until both of my owners woke up! I could tell they were awake because my David threw a shoe at me as a reward! I chewed on it for 30 minutes before I fell asleep. And I thought he was mad at me. I have a lot to learn!

4:11 AM: Lots of rain and really loud noise outside with bright flashes of light! I cried and whimpered and jumped in the bed!

6:02 AM: My owners are awake and they're taking me outside! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! I jumped around everywhere to celebrate! I came that close to wee-weeing right there on the floor because I was so excited. But I didn't because I'm a good boy!!!

6:59 AM: They gave me food! They gave me food! They gave me food! They gave me food! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Jumped around to celebrate!

11:42 AM: Betsy bent down to pick me up and I licked her in the mouth! I thought she would taste like chicken...but she doesn't =(

12:13 PM: They locked me up in the laundry room and everybody left =( Maybe they're never coming back =( sniff, sniff, sniff

12:14 PM: Hey, there's all kinds of fun stuff to play with and eat in this rectangular toy chest! =)

3:36 PM: I thought I heard them coming! Barked for 15 straight minutes! But it wasn't them =( =(

4:02 PM: Ooooooh that's them for sure! It is, it is, it is! Barked for 15 straight minutes! But it wasn't them =( =( =(

5:15 PM: They're back!! Hooray! Hooray!! This is the best day of my entire life!! They're back!! They're back!! Jumped and barked for joy!! Hooray =D

5:24 PM: They're taking me outside! I didn't think it could get better...but it did!!

5:28 PM: I pooped in the yard and Betsy said I was a good dog!!! I'm the best dog...ever!!!!

6:30 PM: They gave me food! They gave me food! They gave me food! They gave me food! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Jumped around to celebrate!

6:41 PM: The boy left his Legos on the floor. They sure are crunchy! Why is he always yelling at me. =( =(

9:01 PM: Ran out of water in my bowl but found another source!

9:33 PM: Realized I hadn't chased my tail once today! I wondered where the day went as I chewed on the curtains.

10:19 PM: I get to go outside...AGAIN!! I can't believe it! Jumped around and barked because I was so happy!!!!

10:25 PM: It was raining outside! I got all wet and muddy! So I jumped on the couch and shook myself dry! David called me a bad boy =( =( =(

11:02 PM: I tried to make it up to him by licking him on the eye! He told me to "stop that" so I tried to lick him on the mouth instead. He said "Ugggh" then. What does it mean??? What does it mean??

11:48 PM: They're going to bed! They're going to bed! They're going to bed! I love to sleep! It's better than pooping and licking myself in front of company put together!

12:37 AM: Thought I heard something outside so I barked and barked and barked until Betsy was awake to check it out!...