Friday, January 07, 2005

Tsunami waves even hit Florida "The tsunami that ravaged countries around the Indian Ocean also hit the eastern United States, but only tide gauges noticed.

A tide gauge at Atlantic City, N.J., recorded the passage of a 'train' of waves, just less than 9 inches from crest to trough, 32 hours after the earthquake struck off the west coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, Dec. 26, said Alexander B. Rabinovich of the Canadian Institute of Ocean Sciences in Sidney, British Columbia. A gauge at Port Canaveral recorded 13.4-inch waves 24 minutes later.

The tsunami was so powerful that it swept around the world during the next 36 hours, scientists said Thursday. The tsunami ripples would have been imperceptible to Floridians, but were discernible in the data, he said."