Your car is not silver; it’s gray.
Your spouse’s car is not champagne; it’s beige.
Global warming isn’t science; it’s paganism.
Drug companies aren’t the enemy; bacteria are.
Food stamps are a subsidy, not a ration.
No one questions your patriotism; it’s your sanity we wonder about.
We can deport 12 million people; it’s the will that’s lacking.
Polar bears aren’t endangered; they’re thriving.
Self-esteem isn’t the problem in schools; ignorance is.
Barbie dolls don’t give girls poor body images; other girls do.
Minimum wage was never meant to pay for a new car, a computer, a cellphone, an iPod, and food and shelter for a family of four.
God doesn’t need the government’s help; it’s the other way around.
Bush didn’t kill Kyoto; Clinton did.