Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Higher Education: The Next Asset Bubble?

Higher Education: The Next Asset Bubble? | The Pelican Post

Many awful facts pointed out in this article:

  1. the cost of a private college has soared thirteen-fold over the past 40 years,
  2. college tuition has risen twice the rate of inflation and four times the rate of wage growth.
  3. the federal government guarantees student loans, when a student defaults the federal government pays the loan originator the balance of the loan plus interest. The government then hires a collections agency to recoup its money and adds a 25 percent collections fee on the defaulter,
  4. Student loan debt has now outpaced credit card debt, at $829 billion versus $826 billion.
  5. From 2004 to 2005 alone, student debt increased by 30 percent.
  6. a majority of undergraduates owe $20,000 in student loans, up 108 percent in a decade,
  7. 45 percent of college graduates from the class of 2009 earned less than $15,000 in 2010.
  8. 25 percent of all government loans default, 30 percent of community college loans default, 40 percent of two-year college loans default, and for-profit schools have a 43 percent default rate.
  9. student loan debt could not be dissolved through bankruptcy