1. Call his living grandmother who helped raise him a racist.
2. Accuse white people of not spending enough on schools.
3. Declare all Americans are victimized by corporations.
Won't Do:
1. Put his hand over his heart when reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Wear an American Flag lapel.
3. Leave (or remove his daughters from) a church that preaches:
'God damn America.'4. Admonish a wife who says:
'US government created Aids, supplied drugs to our community.'
'US of KKKA.'
'What we are doing is the same thing al-Qaeda is doing.'
'Until now, I was never proud of my country.'
The Corner on National Review Online
Two corollaries always follow the Obama victimology: moral equivalence and the subtle suggestion that any who question his thesis of despair are themselves suspect.Yep, I am now in total agreement with this sentiment:
So we hear of poor Barack’s grandmother’s private fears in the same breath as Wright’s public hatred. Geraldine Ferraro is understood in the same context as Reverend Wright. The Reagan Coalition and talk radio are identical to Reverend Wright — albeit without similar contexts for their own purported racism. Your own pastor, priest, or rabbi are analogous to Rev. Wright.
And then, of course, your own motives are suspect if you question any of this sophistry. For Michelle it is always “they” who raised new obstacles against this deprived Ivy League couple and their quest for the Presidency; for Barack it is those who play “snippets”, or the system of “corporate culture” that has made Wright the object of anger to similarly victimized poor white pawns.
The message? Wright’s motives for espousing hatred are complex and misunderstood; your motives for worrying about Obama and his Pastor are simple and suspect.
Red Diaper Kid [John Derbyshire]
... I am now going to come out of the closet and declare clearly and firmly that I don't like Barack Obama one little bit.
What kind of person would traduce his grandmother (who is still alive) to score a political point? Yesterday's speech, read through in the clear light of dawn, is worse than I thought: an ugly mish-mash of ancient socialist clichés and Gen-X spoiled-brat self-congratulation, all enveloped in clouds of flatulent Oprahnian rhetoric. Ugh!
Obama's just a red-diaper baby with a nice smile. I actually like Jeremiah Wright better than I like Obama. At least you know where you are with Wright. Obama, I wouldn't trust to mail a letter.